By Lavina Keswani
‘Nirodha’ is the most beautiful state of mind. The great sage Patanjali used this term in his legendry definition of yoga in the second sutra of the yoga sutras. A nirodha mind is state of deep stillness and in the purest state; if with an impure mind a person speaks or act suffering follows him. The beautiful mind always dances with joy, gratitude and bliss. There is the great lesson of ‘beauty and the beast’, “that a thing must be loved before it is lovable”. To the beautiful mind’s eye; only beauty is visible. It sees and feels only the beauty of whoever comes into contact with it.
Everything we created on this planet, first found its expression in the mind. All the wonderful things in the world and all the horrible things present in this world, both have come from human mind. Depending upon the situations we are facing, we humans are sometimes joyful and sometimes sad. We are in habit of liking and disliking whatever we are acquainted with in our everyday life. Then what makes mind beautiful?’ A beautiful mind is a mind which is in harmony with everything it sees; it never exaggerates its likes and its dislikes about all the things around, it sees things as they are, without any distortion.
Beautiful mind means a mind which has moved from compulsive state of activity to the conscious state of activity. What we call ‘mind’ is nothing but an accumulated heap of whatever it sees and feel every day. We humans are identified with so many things, with our education, status, all the luxuries we have earned through our degrees, but is it us? In order to have a beautiful mind, we should keep all our worldly identifications aside and embrace all we come in contact with; automatically this state of mind which is not identified with anything, except what we call ‘life’, will shed of ego, jealousy, anger and all other negative emotions. This state of mind is at bliss and will justify definition of purest human emotion called ‘Love’. Beautiful mind will have playfulness of Lord Krishna, knowledge of Lord Vishnu and strength of Lord Shiva. Nature displays beauty in its pure state and a beautiful mind displays itself in well-being of others.
By Lavina Keswani