By Yasmin Parveen
We are women.
We are not invincible.
We break, we collapse, we shatter,
And sometimes, we are in ruins.
Yet, we find the courage to collect our pieces,
The pieces that are innocent,
The pieces that are broken,
But also the pieces that have learned,
And have strength now etched in them.
The vision has seeped into the pores,
Into the shattered ruins.
We collect our pieces
And make something of ourselves—
A new entity,
A new you,
A new me,
A new us.
But there’re monsters prowling the street
And we cannot for a second feel free.
We emerge invincible,
For we have seen the darkness and still chosen the light.
We are kind, but we are also fierce,
Like water, fluid and unyielding—
We make waves that shape the world around us.
Bold and History-Making
We are women.
We are bold.
Bold women shape history,
And history stands as proof.
History speaks for itself, it’s truth.
We don’t seek your validation of our beauty—
We know our worth,
For we create beauty in every form.
Each of us is born from a magical being—
And that being is woman.
We are women.
Resilience and Strength
Though the storms may rage, Though as much as it rains,
We do not lose ourselves in the chaos.
We listen, we wait,
We steady our thoughts,
We organize our minds,
And then, we claim all that this world has to offer.
Unity and Overcoming
We are women.
We are judged humiliated and disrespect—
Does it affect us?
Yes, it does, deeply. But still, we flow forward.
We rise.
We shine, we vibe,
We rise each day,
We work, and in doing so, we make history—
A legacy for other women to follow.
The feeling, the unity,
Seeps deep into our core,
Becomes a part of us,
And we, too, transform into the women we admire.
Most importantly, we see the change within ourselves,
And that is enough.
The Heart of Society
Women are the heart of our beautiful,
Diverse, rich, and cultural land,
Where Durga and Kali are revered.
Yet, despite this, evil spreads its wings.
Because you don’t see her as a part of society.
She has done, and continues to do, so much—
A million quiet acts of strength.
And in return, you offer her cruelty.
You see her as less-than-you,
As a thing, not a person—
Someone who belongs here, just as you do.
A person who is many things—good.
The Change Within
The change—
How will a man change it?
What do you perceive of a woman?
What do you see?
Do you see a lady who struggles,
Do you admire her for the difficulties she’s been through,
And yet, she blooms?
Or do you see her as a toy to be played with,
A creature to be judged and disrespected
For just being a WOMAN?
Listen closely, beautiful women—
If a man cannot respect you,
He cannot love you, not truly.
Respect is the foundation,
It is invincible,
The bridge where love is reborn,
Where lost connections bloom once more.
Remember this.
Respect starts at home.
It is learned within those walls.
The belief that women deserve respect
Comes from the core,
Comes from the heart.
One must feel it,
Deep within their chest.
The same woman is at my and your home—
My mother, my sister,
My elder brother’s wife.
Do we respect them?
And if I do,
What’s the reason?
Why not those women who faced brutal cruelty received the same?
They deserved respect, just the same.
Outside of our homes,
You downplay the role of women,
While she’s been the bridge,
The pillar—
Without her, you wouldn’t be here.
Change begins within.
With these last words I seek change.
The world within is to be perceived first.
Let equality bloom and spread
By Yasmin Parveen