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Noted Nest

The Treasure Hunt

Updated: Sep 27

By Gianna Nishal

The Treasure Hunt

I was getting the wildest dream of a dragon eating me and that’s when Tracy woke me up, my biological sister and best friend. As energetic as ever she said ‘’hey sis guess what I just found the best matching outfits for us to wear this night at the party we are going to look stunning ‘’. I nodded half sleeping. That’s when I heard mom calling out our names from down stairs so we went down and she said ‘’.Good morning my little cute cherry pies guess who is going to stay with us this night?’’ Tracy turned to look at a boy our age and said ‘’so this boy is going to stay with us ,he looks like he just stepped out of a poster that says Wanted criminal plus me and Gem had plan ‘s tonight ‘’. Mom said in a sweet voice ‘’ Oh darling it’s just one night I’m sure you and Gem will be able to manage right Gem’’. Mom turned to look at me with her bombastic side eyes so I said yes and decided to show the boy around our house a little he said his name was Tom and that he was from NYC and since his parents were off to a trip to japan his mom dropped him here at our house he said ‘’ Show me your basement, I mean do you have a basement? ’’.That was weird yeah so I said yes, come on with me .Then as we were walking down the stairs in the basement I suddenly slipped and I knew it was my last day when Tom caught me just in time and then we were looking into each other’s eyes that’s when I saw he was looking cute in his blonde hair and deep blue eyes .then I heard footsteps come so I stood up to find it was Tracy. Now that I come to think of it what made you fall. Then we all looked down to find a roll of paper, Tracy picked it up and I suddenly realized it was grandfathers. He gave it to me and Tracy when it was our tenth birthday. Tracy being as hyper active as ever opened it to find it was a map of some kind, of a jungle, and below it was written ‘Follow to find my most precious treasure’ i could see tom stare at me dreamily as I read the quote then Tracy announced ‘’ Gem I’ve got the brilliant idea let’s do a match, whoever finds the treasure first gets to keep it’’. As of tom you get to choose whose side you are on which is definitely gone a be me, but surprisingly he chose me and gave the cutest and warmest smile ever then the started and we scurried to find the treasure in the forest of Fire. Me and Tom encountered many ferocious carnivorous looking animals and Tom fought with them as if they were pieces of cakes, and guess what my contribution to the hunt was? Well it was falling from a random rock and getting my ankle twisted .So all the time Tom carried me in his strong arms and we moved ahead, then we found a rock cave and tom suggested that since ‘soon’ it was going to be dark in some time, we should take rest but it was literally 5:00 in the evening. Yeah so he dropped me in the cave and started rolling it. Leaving me inside and before I knew it I was in complete darkness so I started shouting like a banshee and said ‘’what is this craziness Tom, first you show signs that you like me and that we are meant to be together and then you suddenly do this’’. He started smirking ‘’as naïve as ever, Gem did you think it was all a coincidence? You tripping on a literal paper, i coming at that exact day, me knowing you have a basement? Well your grandfather was a famous archeologist who found the ruby of Xerogino a ruby worth 7 million no one else could find in the entire universe, the moment I saw you, your red hair, green eyes I knew you were his granddaughter and that I just needed to find a fake story to get to you. Now I and my family will be rich after selling that ruby’’. I could see the cruelty and slyness in his voice but I said ‘’you can’t deny the fact that you like me. Well if you dint you would not chose me over Tracy’’. To that he said ‘’Oh get off me, the reason why I chose you was because you are stronger than your sister Tracy or whatever her name is. I knew if I keep you alone you’ll survive ,so my mission was to kill you by staying with you and as for your sister she must be long dead by the animals in this forest’’. Oh god he was right I was a total fool by not understanding his plans, now I am going to starve and die in this stupid cave. Soon Tom went and I was all alone ready to die and lead out a last help me out scream, then the big boulder started to move and what I saw in front of me was more astonishing .My rival on the competition and sister Tracy was in front of me who had saved me from death I ran up to her and hugged her with tears rolling down my eyes I asked her how she had managed to know where I was .So she said ‘’I was interested to look deep into your and tom’s love .So I followed you guys .That way when Tom was saving you from the animals I was being saved too. Then I saw him locking you up in that cave so I hid behind a tree listening every word he said .Then after I was sure he was gone ,I came up to you and saved you’’. Then without wasting a second, I and Tracy went to the place where the treasure was. To find that Tom was already there banging his fists against a tree and shouting .The moment he saw us ,he started running but the cops caught him just in time .Then we went to the pit where the treasure was and found a box with a note .We opened the box to find pictures of me and Tracy, and on the piece of paper it was written ‘Gem and Tracy you are my most precious treasures and I never want to lose you Even though I am dead my blessings will always be with you and all I want is for you and Tracy to be united always and that you never get separated by any means’. As of Tom, we found out that he was a con artist who tricked young girls and took away their valuables .Well as they say, All is well that ends well.

By Gianna Nishal

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Hani Manjunath
Hani Manjunath
6 days ago

Amazingly quirky!


Jul 24

You are a natural writer. The flow of story is amazing. Loved it. Keep up your creativity and imagination high.... always.....


RD Nishal
RD Nishal
Jul 24

Darling Gianna, what an extraordinary thoughtfulness depicted in your commendable write up. May you flourish to glory day and night.


Beautiful crafted sweetheart!


Amazing piece of art.Keep it up Gianna.God be with you always. Keep going miles.

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