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The Metro Guy

Noted Nest

By Pooja Singh

[Meta was humming along to “Hosanna” while cleaning her wardrobe when she suddenly heard someone unlocking her door. She stopped for a minute, looked at the door, and saw her friend Joe (half-conscious) entering.]

Joe: May I come in, Miss… (after   lying on her sofa)

Meta: Hmm… well, you’re already in, I guess. By the way, why are you so late? It’s 11:30 p.m. already.

Joe: What??? Am I late? Really? What a joke? (smirk)

Meta: You know it’s not a joke, Joe. (busy cleaning) Now, tell me seriously, why are you late?

Joe: Okay, okay. Miss Meta, I’m late just because of that terrible driver who doesn’t even know how to drive properly. Where everybody drives their car forward, I don’t know why he’s driving backward. Stupid jerk…

Meta: 100% stupid jerk. YOU, THE GREAT JOE.

Joe: Forget that. Okay, so now tell me why you’re so excited. Is there something great that happened? Hey, wait… Are you getting married or are you getting pregnant, but you’re not married yet, so pregnant? Strange…. (received a book on his head with full force)

Meta: You stupid jerk…. (threw a book at Joe’s head with full force) Neither am I getting pregnant nor am I getting married.

Joe: Then why are you excited (pressing her head)?

Meta: Actually, there’s something I want to share with you (excited voice).

Joe: Ohooo…. Okayyyy, but why are you blushing? (confused)

Meta: Actually, today, while waiting for one of my colleagues at a metro station, I met someone who’s totally a stranger, but not a stranger. You know what I mean? (looking at Joe with hope)

Joe: Okay… Totally stranger but not stranger. Interesting. Well, if I’m not wrong, crush number 453678905222… Right???

Meta: HA HA HA, not funny… See, if you’re not interested, then I’m not sure I’m going to tell you.

Joe: Okay, okay… GO ON… What happened next?

Meta: Yeah, so while I was waiting there, that Mr. Stranger came and asked me, “Excuse me?”

Joe: Excuse me??? (totally confused)

Meta: You just listen. So when that Mr. Stranger said, “Excuse me,” the first thought that came into my mind was how it's possible to hear such a soft voice from a man’s throat. I mean, I’ve never heard such a voice before, especially from a man’s throat. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t answer him. So he asked me again, “Excuse me? Can I sit here? If you don’t mind…” I just nodded my head and gave him space. Then he said, “Thank you!” Nothing changed from “excuse me” to “thank you”; his voice remained the same – soft, subtle, soothing, and angelic. And it’s not just about his voice; his aura is also... you know, positive vibes. Like, I didn’t feel that strange, unsafe gut feeling that I normally felt when some stranger came near me. That time, I felt safe and secure beside him instead. Just like sunshine-type energy, he had. And it's not the end here; when he was about to enter the metro, he looked back, waved, and smiled at me. I hope you understand what I’m trying to tell you. (looking at Joe’s face)

Joe: Yeah, I’m trying to understand. Soft voice, positive aura, sunshine-type energy. Okay… Now, tell me how he looked.

Meta: Look… I don’t know? (folding her clothes)

Joe: What?

Meta: Actually, I don’t know how he looks. (slow voice)

Joe: What??? Are you kidding me, Meta?

Meta: No, I’m not. Actually, when he asked me for a seat, I was reading my book at that time, so I didn’t get a chance to see him. I just nodded and gave him space.

Joe: Oh, you were reading your book. Really? You shy creature. Wait; you said when he was entering the metro, he looked back at you. Right then, that time, you definitely saw his face. (looking at Meta with hope)

Meta: Huh… Ummm… Actually… Joe…

Joe: What???

Meta: Even that time when that Mr. Stranger looked back at me, I was unable to see him. (lowered eyes and sad voice)

Joe: But why?

Meta: Just because of this stupid yet important thing (pointing towards her glasses), I forgot to put my glasses in my bag. So when he looked back, I just saw a blurred face guy. That’s it.

Joe: Hahahahahaha…..LOL…. (laying and dancing on the floor). You didn’t see Mr. Stranger just because you didn’t wear your glasses at that time. I mean, forget it. Seriously…HAHAHAHa…. You made my day, Miss Meta.

Meta: Huhhhhh, how pathetic you are. Don’t laugh at me like that, at least.

Joe: Mr. Stranger, soft voice, positive vibes, sunshine energy, looked back at you, waved, and smiled. Wowwww….what a short love story, Miss Meta. Wait, it’s actually Blur Face’s Story. (still laughing)

Meta: You just shut up, unconscious stupid jerk…. (throwing her pillow at Joe’s side)

Joe: Really??? Then who are you? A blind shy creature. (throwing the pillow back at Meta’s side) (room filled with laughter and stupidness)

By Pooja Singh

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