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The Lust for Power is not rooted in Strength, but, in Weakness

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

By Dominica J.S. Marbaniang

The Lust for Power is not rooted in Strength, but, in Weakness 

This isn't a tale or a fantasy, this is real. This is the 21st century, the Realist Contemporary Era, this is where History Repeats Itself

For decades, the world has witnessed the ruthlessness of man over man; greed, lust, temptation and ego has drowned him into the pool of 

madness and insanity. 

The situation that the world 

faces today reiterate the centuries-old era that is 

defined by The Lust For Power. No longer is war a crime, no longer is diplomacy a solution. Fear echoes 

through every nick and corner of the world and people are imprisoned for speaking their 

minds out. Freedom of 

residence has been 

suppressed and the freedom 

of the press is slowly dying. No one is spared for and children bear the biggest 

brunt. Yet, no one is held 

responsible for such 

inhumane acts of terror and 

the world continues to suffer. 

What does one stand to gain by committing such horrifying acts of terror? Bombing, torture, abduction, kidnapping, killing, maiming, rape, discrimination - are they really rewarding in nature? Is 

even one amongst them worthy of high praise? 

How traumatizing it must be for those many innocents undergoing this phase of life at the moment, those to whom 'life' is defined in the midst of only one word, 

'survival'. For no fault of theirs, many of these innocent civilians hang in the balance, helpless, unable to fend for themselves, yet, clinging on to dear life, hoping that 

tomorrow will be a better day. 

Power makes a man capable but the lust for it defies his 

strength and defines his weakness. Humanity is on the brink and there is nothing more that can best explain the reason behind this brutal 

humanitarian crisis than the greed for more of this might, this potentiality, that does no good but rather fails humanity. 

Life is a journey, but it is only 

temporary. So why not give 

humanity an opportunity? 

By Dominica J.S. Marbaniang

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A must read


Pleaseme Phawa
Pleaseme Phawa
Jun 25, 2024

So talented 👏


Must read for everyone 💯💯


Jun 21, 2024

Excellent writing!💥

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