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The Living Legacy

Noted Nest

By Nisha Sainath

He, who sacrifices  his life for the country but leaves back his soul  and legacy with his people. Yes it is the story of every martyr who  lives through the hearts of each  one who has a touch of humanity . His life begins as plain as any other fellow being in the nation wherein he is raised up with utmost love and care . He turns out to be the nucleus of hopes and dreams in his family. Each phase of his growth is  relished with a lot of anticipation. Later  he grows into a young adult who decides to be the gatekeeper of his nation with a passion to serve for the safety of his country.  Over the years he spends in the premises of military barracks,  he is groomed into a well built man inside out .Each cell of his body functions by comprehending the gravity of discipline and decorum. He indulges in the process of learning and unlearning from the hands-on experiences he confronts every day. His  values are streamlined  by being a part of the armed forces and he forms a family  away from home. He not only realizes the depth of bonds and the importance of generosity but also the crest of beauty in his character is brought out. He is a stern  duty master in light of the circumstances he is accustomed to but he does yearn for   situations  where he can  show out all of his benevolence . Taking the form of a rough and tough professional does not stop the inner child in him from creating situations to taste the delight of   adorable mischieves . He bears a sea of emotions within but spreads bouts of laughter and positivity . A  surface layer of guilt can be captured from his face  when he is all alone because  he knows very well that he is missing out on something as and when he is working day and night to safeguard his nation. For him it's not merely a duty ,he puts his heart and soul into his profession  . He does love his family but he prioritizes his country first with the spirit of patriotism in every droplet of blood running in his body. He does not feel the heat of strenuous trainings    even as time flies simply because his profession  is not  a part of his life but it is his life in itself . He is neither put into panic by the precarious nature of his work nor by the bleak reality that his survival for even the next moment is uncertain. And finally he lays down his life after fighting to the best of his abilities for that Nation he loves the most . As the last breath leaves his body , the faces of all his loved ones and the entire life he had led runs through his mind . The strength of his family is put to a  great test right from the moment they see the name of their beloved one carved in the coffin box. They seem  disconnected from the rest of the world as they witness a life who was their everything,   solely reduced to memories in a compact box. wrapped in the Tricolour. Their soulful emotions , pain and shattered desires give life to that inanimate box. They struggle to process the   heart-wrenching truth that  hits them hard  and   drown  in varying  shades of  sorrow that an irreparable loss could ever suffice. As he is submerged into the soil or burnt into ashes, tears of grief  flow all around. But beyond everything around , he leaves with dignity and pride which overshadows all the other emotions. There ,an ordinary  human in the best sense of the word turned extraordinary by depicting courage larger than his  life. He carries a strong conviction that his loved ones are in the safe hands of his nation . Yes this is a never ending process but as fellow beings what we can do is shower at most respect, empathy and kindness to his loved ones . Above all  we should live every moment in life with a sense of gratitude that this life is intact because of someone who is sacrificing far away in the borders. We can avoid every unnecessary  riot based on any grounds when we bear in mind that serving for the nation and giving away his life for the soil is an intentional  choice made by that man for the peace of the nation. 

By Nisha Sainath


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