By Sushmaa. T. M. R/ Suthanthira (pen name)
O' Mother Nature!
Being the source of God's grace and love,
You awake the whole senses in our lives
Through the medium of body, mind and soul.
You do not utter a word of anything
As your children will get to know
What the intention is,
From even a single touch.
Above all senses,
The touch is appreciated and applied
In all kinds of offerings and nurturing.
But I know not,
There would be both warmth and warning
In a hold, that they are famously called as
The good and bad touch.
Experiencing a churning of heat
In the lower abdomen of the stomach,
And musk of sweats running down
Under the drapes of dupatta,
And shivers and faints and blues and glues
And heights and lights of fears itself,
Are the howls of foxes,
That turns living into death.
When that promising man among men
Become the beast in character,
The guiltiest of women in the family says
That these storms are common and affordable.
This land had played and conveyed
The message of hope and war,
When Krishna clasped Draupadi
From the grip of Dushassan.
A good touch is not just a good touch,
That it can liberate a soul of pain.
If a touch is free from bodily interactions
And tied under the unconditional interchanges of love,
Then the emotion of a human embraces
The highest quality level of freedom
In life forever and ever.
By Sushmaa. T. M. R/ Suthanthira (pen name)