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Technolgy: Will It Be Our End?

Updated: Jul 23, 2024

By Pragun Sharma


TECHNOLOGY, regardless of having a definition, has different meanings to everyone around & serves them all different purpose. Even in scientific terms it has different meanings, one of them being a branch of knowledge that works around the word ‘creation’. cliché, right. That’s not all; it is also believed to be the way through which social groups furnish themselves with materialistic objects to develop their civilization. We use tech in almost every day of our lives, whether it be waking up in the morning to our alarm, use the shower to freshen ourselves, using a toaster & blender to make breakfast, using a car to drive to our desired location. Look at the very device that you hold in your hands; isn’t it technology. 

This is not a tale of today, but dates back to 3000 BC, the time of the great Kurukshetra war, the Mahabharata. The Astra’s of the all the warriors  the five Pandavas, the Kauravas, Ashwatthama, Kripacharya are considered so powerful that the nukes that are produced in today’s date are hardly anything compared to them. Some of these mighty Astras were :

  • Pashupatastra: An Astra given to Arjuna from Lord Shiva that was believed to make him invincible in the battle.

  • Raudrastra: An Astra known to fend off the boundless weapon of Lord Brahma, Brahmastra, which is known to be the most vicious & limitless weapon in Hinduism  .

  • Brahmashira: An Astra that is regarded to be four times the supremacy of the bhramastra, as it has four heads of Lord Brahma on its tip. 

Even though today’s world has the capability produce extremely power weapons, machinery & equipments, they can’t compete with these mighty Astras. But then again this is the very problem that we humans, have buried deep in our minds that even these Astra’s or magic or machine can’t erase it. This problem is nothing but our greed that allows us to produce heavy nuclear weapons to use against each other one day, our jealousy to compete with the more successful person, our pride that we like to foster to win against everyone regardless the devastation of others. 

Everything in this universe asks for sacrifices, technology is not something that will develop our civilization but will be the very end of it. All the heroic wars fought in the past — Mahabharata, Ramayana, Samudra Manthana, Panipat — had extraordinary discoveries, armory & technology, but at last it wiped away more then have of their people, it came with myriad sacrifices & enormous bloodshed. On day or another technology is bound to destroy the human race, let it be the takeover of robots, a virus meltdown, the world war III, or any other destructions technology has to offer. 

As long as humans generate honored technologies for the sake of themselves— their greed, their jealousy — their own pride, & not for humanity, technology would never let us win against it. Just like any other battle fought for vengeance, tech will lead us to catastrophic events. A day will surely come when our lives would flash before our eyes and we won’t be able to do anything. We would helplessly watch the annihilation of our world that we ourselves gave birth to. This question is yours to answer: will technology be our end?

By Pragun Sharma

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Jul 28, 2024

Technology will enhance our life. Beautifully written.


Daman Pannu
Daman Pannu
Jul 27, 2024



Gaurav Kapoor
Gaurav Kapoor
Jul 26, 2024

Very well written


arun swarup
arun swarup
Jul 26, 2024

So good


arun swarup
arun swarup
Jul 25, 2024

Loved it.

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