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Take A Break

Updated: Oct 4

By Saloni Jain

Oh hey everyone, it seems like I need to rush through my speech today as I have an important meeting later. Oh yeah, so

today my topic is "Take a Break" and it's really importantto neverrush and understand the importance oftaking pauses in

life. Always make sure to work on one thing at a time and... oh wait! I am getting a call... “Hey, yes yes, I will be there after

the speech and another meeting in an hour.” Yeah, so, where was I? Hmm, yeah,the importance oftaking stress... I mean

pauses... I mean... Ufffffhhhh!!

How did that sound? Rushed!! Messed up!! Scrambled!!!

Now, imagine yourlife if we start doing everything in a rush! How messy would it be, and how scrambled would we feel? I

wantto share my story that underscores the importance oftaking breaks. How I was able to save myself and stand here in

front of you alltoday, just by understanding the importance oftaking breaks.

I had always been successful in whateverI did, had a loving family, and seemed to have it all. But beneath this confident

exterior, a storm was brewing within my mind. Stress and anxiety had creptinto my life, slowly eroding my peace of mind.

I always loved my job, but as the demands grew,the pressure started mounting. Long hours atthe office, constant

deadlines, and the never-ending pursuit of success left me feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. ButI kept pushing myself

harder and harder,thinking that success was my key to happiness. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into

months, my mental health began to deteriorate.

One day, I had a wake-up call. I found myself unable to get out of bed, overcome by a deep sense of despair and

hopelessness. The constant anxiety and emotional numbness had taken full control of me! It was a moment ofrealization,

a need for clarity and healing.

I decided to seek help. Itried various therapies, started putting extra effortinto working out,reading, and writing. But

these only seemed to work for a shorttime, and then came long periods ofrestlessness. I started taking medications again

fortemporary relief. Then, I discovered meditation. It seemed to work great atfirst, butI had just added itto my busy

schedule instead of slowing down. Itreated meditation as anothertask. The feeling of doing meditation was relaxing, butI

again fell into the rush of life. However, as I continued taking meditation classes, I learned the importance oftaking


Slowly but steadily, I began to regain my sense of self.

Itis crucialto take breaks in life. Itis okay to break the rules sometimes. It’s okay to miss that 6 AM session one day justto

get a little extra sleep. Itis okay notto be occupied with so many things in life. Itis okay to have pauses and breaks in life to

be more productive, more conscious, and happier.

Because, my dearfriends,the key to happiness is not success; itis the journey of success that you enjoy, feel, and relax

with great physical and mental well-being.

Today, I, SaloniJain, would like you allto follow one great quote thatI started to follow. Please feelthis quote and repeatit

after me: "Drop a gear, disappear!"

Thank you.

By Saloni Jain

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Hani Manjunath
Hani Manjunath
6 days ago

The writing is chaotic but in an adorable and endearing way, was fun to read!


Saloni Jain
Saloni Jain

Take a break.... yes indeed

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