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Search of God

Noted Nest

By V V S N Raju

In a village their lived a guy named Jana, He always love to stay alone. One day he

asked his mom that why she always goes to temple, mom said that its the place that

make her happy and comletely involved in gods presense. Jana was not satisfied with

the answer. he asked her mom to go to church. mom says its not our religion and we

are not allowed . Jana says that your answers are not sastisfying, I may not believe

god but I respect god. I need answers for my question and I'm gonna find out by

myself and I will be back home only after finding my answers and he left home. He

knows that its going to be a long journey but he was confident enough to find

answers. He started his journey by travelling different places.

he asked everyone, no one answered his questions but he didn't give up. but he

realised that asking questions wont help him, so he need to find answers one by one.

He reached a small village and old couple gave him shelter and food. He was happy

and he helped them in every possible way. on that night he asked them, If they believe

god, old man said that they always pray to god without asking him anything, we pray

with our own hearts filled with joy. before jana asking question, old man said you will

find answers, only if you are alive so you need to eat food first, jana laughed and they

ate food altogether.

Next day jana, roaming on the streets of village then he saw two people shouting and

arguing. Jana went to them and asked what happen? one guy replied that He is from

one religion and other one is from different religion. They both make fun of each other

religion. Jana asked both of them, If they believe their own god. They said yes and

one gut said My god is the powerful god and he is in different forms and in different

religion but all of that because of our god. Jana took them to a apple tree and asked

them to pray there gods and make the apple fall down. Both of them are speechless.

Jana asked, what happen we can found out whose god is powerful, so make it fall

down. Both of them are seeing each other faces. so jana said I understand if you pray

and apple didn't fall down so other one thing that your god is powerless, so you guys

are afraid.

Jana told them, every god is same, we are the one who divided them with religions. If

u believe your god and disrespecting other gods wont make you devotee, first you

have to respect and rest everything you will find by yourself. Those guys regret for

there words and felt bad, They said that they wont disrespect anyone again. One guy

asked Jana, who are you, I never seen you before here, Are you a traveller, Are you

going somewhere? Jana smiled and said Yes, I'm on my way to meet someone who

can answer his questions. One guy asked him, who is that person whom you want to

meet, Where does he stay? Jana said I dont know where he is so I'm gonna look

everywhere for him, he has so many forns and names. We call him as God. Jana said

and left.

Jana realised that his path is the great one and he need to make others realise about

god. He started his journey again. On his way he stopped in a village, In village

everyone pray to a priest who sit under the tree. Jana thought that he might find his

answers. He went to priest but the people said not to disturb him, as he is meditating.

so comeback evening to meet him said the guy. so he bought some fruits and ate

them, he sat near the tree where he can see if priest is awake or not. He sat there for

few hours. But suddenly crowd gathered to see priest, Jana was shocked and he is

confident that he can get answers from the priest. After everyone took blessing, they

all left. Jana went forward and asked the priest, Can I ask you a question? Priest said

sure you can ask me anything. Jana asked him why everyone praying to you, you are

not a god. Priest replied that I may not be a god buy people trust and I dont wanna

make them sad for they belief. Jana went back to tree and sat down. One guy came

to priest and said , what ever I do everything is falling apart dont know whats

happening, priest said you have to walk on burning stones, if you offer your pain then

god will believe in you and will help you. That guy said, he will walk on stones. priest

told him to come back evening and walk on stones. Jana went to that guy and said,

dont do these type of things, you havent done any wrong to take this pain. That guy

said, I know what I'm doing, if you dont believe then just leave, he said and left. Later,

that evening that guy came to priest to walk on stones. priest said that stones are

arranged and you start praying and walk on stones. That guy happily walked on

stones, even though he is suffering, he said I cant feel any pain. After that priest told

him to go back home and god listend to your prayers, so he will help you. Jana was

suprised to see how people are foolish. next day he went to that guy who walkex on

stones, jana was shocked to see him, that guy was seriously ill. Jana asked him, why

you do that and see now what happend. That guy said, its nothing god will help him.

Jana realised whats going on and he said to guy that priest send him to see how you

are doing and he said that god listened to your problem but God want the priest to

move on from thia place and stay in prayers all the time so he have go far away from

people and stay in gods presense. That guy was so happy that priest was a goda gift

and he told everyone in the village. Later that night everyone gathered near priest and

said that they arranged everything so they are happy to send him from the village.

Priest was shocked and asked them, what happed, they said that they kniw that god

want you to move away from people and stay in his presense. Priest was speechless

that they believe that god said that so he was wondering what to say. Jana came

forward and said as the preist was leaving we let him stay here today and do hia

prayers wholenight. Everyone was happy to stay their all night. Priest understand that

jana found out that he is not a gods man. Jana told to people that priest is a gods gift

and we all believe that, so he will walk on fire stones, and nothing will happen. People

are so curious to withiness the magic and arranged the firestones. Priest was afraid

and said walking on these stones is not good, you see that guy who walked on this

anf now he waz seriously ill and cant walk anymore. I'm not gonna walk on these.

Everyone was shocked to see priest behaviout. Jana saif to people, you guys offered

him food, money and gave him shelter. where all the money went ask him to show us

the money, you guys offered.Priest said that he send all the money is in gods

presense and only I was allowed as I'm a gods man. everyone was whispering to

eachother. Jana said God came to me last night and asked me to ask this queation

and if priest show the money then he is a gods man. priest was shocked, Jana said if

you are a gods person, you have no use of money. so everyone go search in his place.

As everyone was suprised by seeing priest's reaction, they all thought that something

is wrong and searched his place, they couldnt find anything. People asked where is a

they money, where are you hiding. priest was nervous and started running but people

caught him. Jana came forward and said it was not his mistake, its yours for trusting

him. No god is selfish to say that do this do that, offer all to me so I will help. But you

guys believed those things and you guys are the reason for people who dont believe

god or hate god. No god will come forward for your filthy prayers. If you guya really

believe god then stop feeding these guys and pray at your home.I was in my journey

to find answers about god but after seeing you people I realised one thing. World is

taken over by people like you, so its hard to find god. It is shamefull to stay here.

People was crying for there mistakes and said we made a big mistake and we are

ashamed of ourselves for what we did in name of God. Jana said, if you do mistake

by knowing its a mistake then its a mistake, realising your miatake is the first step. In

my journey I thought i will find answers but making people realise their mistakes

making me close to my answers. If I dont come here, you guys will be in different

state of mind, but My presense here made me a step close to gods presense, he said

and left the place. while jana leaving, everyone bowed to him.

Jana started his journey, he walked for days but never stopped for any people, as he

want to do it alone cause people will make his journey delay. After long walk he got

tired and sat down under a tree. He closed his eyes. Then he started hearing voice.

Voice says, follow the light. He suddenly woke up and he say a light, Jana was

curious about light and what is gonna happen if he stepped in. He took a deep breath

and went near the light. He started thinking what if he doesn't come back, Then he

heard a voice, step in. After listening voice he steped in. Aftee stepping in, he can see

only white light and nothing else. He heard a voice, What to you what to know? Jana

replied that, hr want to see the god. Voice Said I will take you to a place and yourself

have to find a god. Jana was so happy cause he is gonna see the god. Voice said,

close your eyes and jana closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, He was in a

crowded place, where people asking for help. There he met an old man who is

suffering from hunger, jana bought some bread and gave it to him. Old man replied,

Thank you, Son and Touched his feet. Jana was shocked as he was young and old

man touched his feet. As he walked, He met a kid, who is suffering cold, Jana gave

him a blanket and that kid hugged him and said thank you. Jana felt so happy, helping

others. After that he met a blind man, Jana asked him, what are searching, blind man

said that one guy came and stole his food, so I'm searching by thinking that he may

left some food on the ground. Jana felt so sad and bought him food. Blind man sad,

evil man stole from and you helped me, you were send here, by god to help me. I have

nothing to give you. Jana said I need nothing other than blessings from you and took

blessing from blind person. As he walking he came to end and there is no way

forward. He started walking back.

while while back, blind man said it was again you and joined his hands, jana was

shocked as joined hand means a form of prayer towards god. Jana said you dont

need to do this. Old man smiled. He started walking and met a kid, kid said it was you

again and gave his blanket, jana said no, it was for you, you can have it. kid touched

jana's feet.Jana was confused why everyone doing like this. He walked and met an

old guy, Old guy said it was you again and offered half of his food. Jana said he was

not hungry and you can have it. Old man also touched his feet and jana started

running and reached end, there is no way to go forward. Jana closed his eyes and

said, I dont know who is talking with me but there is no way to go forward. when he

opened his eyes, he was covered with white light. Then voice said, Did You find, what

you are searching ? Jana said, he didnt find god. Voice said, Are you sure, You

already met the god but You didnt realise. Jana shocked and said no I didnt meet.

Voice said I will ask you a few questions then you will realise. Voice asked his First

question. Why do you offer prayers to god and how you are sure that it was god. Jana

said that God was the reason for human life, He fought with evil to give us beautiful

life. Voice asked, what is beautiful life. Jana said, The happiness and reason to move

forward with your life. Voice said, Then everything is linked to god. Jana said, yes God

is the only reason.

Voice said, I'm just a voice, trying to help you meet the god, who am I ? Jana said, you

are the god's man taking me to finish my journey. Voice said, How can I be a gods

man, I only have voice. Jana said that, God is everywhere, no need to human form, no

need of voice. He is everywhere in your step. Voice said. You got Your answer and

left. Jana open his eyes, he was sitting under a tree. He was confused what the voice

was trying to tell him. Jana was shouting, I dont understand what you are trying to

say, please help me. An old man passing by asked jana whom you are talking with?

jana said, he was trying to find answers. Old man said that it was not a right way, You

need to calm yourself first then you will find answer by yourself. Jana closed his eyes

and took a deep breathe. His mind was so calm, Then he started to visualise what

happend. First, he helped old man, even though he was young, old man touchex his

feet. He helped kid, he dont know much about life but still he also touched his feet.

Blind guy cant even see anything but by his smell he noticed him and touched his

feet. Jana mind was fu of these visuals. Again and again he kept thinking. Then he

realised that, Old man saw good in him and kid saw caring in him and blind man can

feel his nature and presence. Jana realised that God is everywhere, He was in me, he

was in you and everyperson. It can be noticed by some one nature and their intension

towards others. If you need help and you prayed god. God will send another person in

the form of your friend, your parents,your neighbours. Only a human can help another

human. which mean God is in everyhuman. you should not let the evil in you to take

over. Jana opened his eyes and drops from his eyes are falling down. jana was so

happy to find himself and then he started his journey to meet god ( Parents).

By V V S N Raju

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