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Ready To Take On - 2024

Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

By Reena Virk Saluja

Come December, and yet again it's time of festivity ; Preparations to welcome our dear old Santawho is expected to come loaded with gifts .....( God knows since when he starts buying n packing.... ha ha ha) And not to forget his twin, Secret Santa (with everyone's wishlist ) bells ringing, high pitched echoes of carols, special rum cakes, the street decor and the dazzling lights of the Churches and homes, Christmas trees with joysticks, snowman☃, stars⭐, stockings, wreath, mistletoe..... topped with the colour scheme of 'red and white' ( Remember that last day in school before it closed down for winter break ? All used to look so happy and vibrant like strawberry waffles escaping from the freezer of the ice cream vendor !!!) And all this hustle bustle is interweaved with the extravagant preparations of welcoming another pack of 365 days.  We write off yet another eventful year - a bag of mixed emotions, some memorable days, some bad, some worthwhile and some that we wish to simply scrape off our memories like the bad haunted dreams. Suddenly we realise that bygones are bygones, whatever inappropriate has been done cannot be undone, wish it had not happened at all and so we literally get ready, accepting with open arms the prized gift of new diary -  365 blank pages significant of a fresh lease of hope, aspirations, commitments n positivity. And so precisely, the advent of New year marks the brilliant occassion of construing strong 'resolutions' which ironically speaking, are never accomplished !!! ( Or mostly  left midway )

But, amidst all this fervour, I sense nothing new or unique (Am sure you must be wondering I have gone crazy )  My question is that only the date and the year changes - most other things remain more or less the same.....then what's 'New' in the coming year ? I pondered many times n realised that maybe - this is what we humans are precisely made up of..... positive aura, guts, endurance, strength, determination & will power - that rebounds us back - we still make resolutions, renew promises and relationships, build stronger friendships, rejoice & celebrate with the global fraternity welcoming together another 365 new chances that starts afresh - So folks, remember that one  undying element called HOPE ------ H-ang O-n P-ain   E-nds.......Yeah....isn't it ? Hey !!! So get up and welcome the new year 2024 !!! It has arrived with new desires, ambitions and opportunities ......Hear it loud - It's knocking at your door ......... HAPPY  BLESSED 2024 !!!

By Reena Virk Saluja


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