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Noted Nest

By Nikita D

We all have dreams and ambitions in life. We all are passionate about something. Few find all these quickly and few at the later point in life. Few just go with the flow. They feel what is right for that point of time and do that. 

Sometimes we may feel that from the beginning of our lives we have been doing well. Compare our lives to others and feel we are doing so well compared to them. We are winning in life. Our purpose of life is achieved. But when failure starts suddenly hitting us then we start doubting ourselves and question our selves whether we were actually following our dreams, ambitions, passions and living this life with purpose and whether we made the right decisions. That time we start becoming hard on ourselves. What we fail to realize is that each person’s life is different. 

Just because a series of bad incidents happen or failures start occurring does not mean we leave that purpose of life and start following what others do. As mentioned earlier each person has a different story. We have to play the lead role in our life. Sometimes what we feel as failure may be success to others. It also happens that what we feel as success may be failure to others. At each point in life, we will always have people who will encourage us or discourage us, make us feel that we are made for nothing. If we start looking at all this it means we have made someone else as the lead in our lives.  

Each and everyone of us are struggling in our own lives. We all have different stories. We must learn to understand and accept this and live our lives with own purpose. One such example could be in our personal lives we come across people who do very well in their studies but not be able to contribute professionally due to health issues. That does not mean they never tried or did not have any purpose in life. They had. Even they contributed. But their contribution will come out in some other way which we may or may not know. 

Another example could be when we select any job. We might feel we took the wrong decision or we are living a life without purpose and simply doing a job. Some might even leave a well settled job and do something else. All these never mean we never had a purpose in life. We all have and we live with that purpose. 

In life we will come across various incidents like this. But it is very important to know that we all are doing well in our lives with a well-defined purpose. We might not be happy today. But all the hard work we put in will surely come back to us in some way or the other making us realize that we did have a purpose in life in disguise. 

By Nikita D

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