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Escape of Shivaji

By Jeetal Shah

Shivaji was a prisoner in the Agra Fort, where he had been brought by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. He had been tricked into accepting a peace treaty, but instead of being honoured as a guest, he was humiliated and confined to a house arrest. Shivaji knew that his life was in danger, and that he had to escape somehow. 

He devised a clever plan with the help of his loyal followers. He pretended to be ill, and requested that he be allowed to send gifts to various holy men in Agra as a part of his recovery. Aurangzeb agreed, thinking that Shivaji was too weak to pose any threat. Shivaji then ordered large baskets of sweets to be prepared, and hid himself and his son Sambhaji in two of them. The baskets were carried out of the fort by his men, who had disguised themselves as porters and merchants. The Mughal guards did not suspect anything, and let them pass through the gates. 

Shivaji and his son managed to reach the outskirts of Agra, where they mounted horses and rode away to safety. They reached Mathura, where they met with their allies and resumed their journey to the Deccan. Shivaji had escaped from the clutches of Aurangzeb, and lived to fight another day. He had proved his courage and cunning, and earned the admiration of his people and the respect of his enemies.

By Jeetal Shah

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