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Noted Nest

Dear Illness ( A Schizophrenic Account)

By Dipshikha Das

Who are you?

You are made up of imagination

You were made out of desperation

A fictional character

Created to bear the duties i wanted to evade

Girl what are you doing?

It was never love

It was a fictional story

It was a play

Girl what are you doing?

Names were taken from real people

And characters were made

So that i can depend on them

In every story i was the main character

And they were the love interest

Girl what are you doing?

After the fictional story was made

I became desperate to meet them

The so called love interests

The shadow puppets made in my mind

Made of smoke

Girl what are you doing?

I called out to them desperately

In the madness

Girl what are you doing?

Who are you?

I despise you

Go away go away

Shadow puppets conjured by me

Girl what are you doing?

I went mad

Now it's difficult to recall

Because of the pills

Girl what are you doing?

Glad i can't recall

Or else I would have despised myself

I became wary of those people whose names i took

To conjure the shadow puppets on whom l put the weight of my depression

Girl what did you do?

They called it attacks

Which were blackouts for me

I don't want to be a victim again

The feeling of helplessness is like struggling to breath

The struggle is too painful

Girl what did you do?

I don't know

It wasn't me it was my intoxicated mind

A foolish mind who believed in fairy tales

A mind that conjured up shadow knights

And conjured fictional stories in a desperate plea for help

A mind which was drowning and wanted to come up to the surface to breath

But in its struggle lost sanity

Expectations were too much

The feeling of inferiority was too much

Girl what happened?

My mind in its struggle to keep me breathing gave up on sanity

Girl what do you think?

I think it is okay

It is okay you can let go past self

Of the pain it caused you

The pain gave you self love

The pain let you live

As the saying goes everything happens for a reason

I am grateful for everything that happened because it gave me a reason to live a reason to love myself and a reason to hope to be alive instead of just living

It made me immortal

Girl what are you saying?

The feeling of loving yourself

The feeling of admiring yourself

Is what being immortalised means to me

People might forget me i might forget myself too

But the healed scars made me an immortal

Girl what are you?

A human being

A life

A sane body

An insane mind

By Dipshikha Das

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