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Coping Mechanism for The Contemporary World

Updated: May 11, 2024

By Dr. Iman Hanif

Coping Mechanism for The Contemporary World

One cannot contemplate how loneliness has taken over people across the globe, as we have touch the zenith of digitalization in this century. The fact that we have everything at the tip of our fingers, makes circumstances much worse for our mental wellbeing. Be it information, consumer goods, books, knowledge or whatsoever you may think of. The time has arrived where man does not have to cope up with lack of resources, but one has to think of ideas to mentally sustain the feeling of being empty, and no strings attached. With families parting ways, marriages turning gay, and friendships becoming more burdened and depleting with time , there are some new ways we can cope up with this new normal.

      This essay will expound the various coping techniques one can use today to stay happy in isolation:

  1. Pay attention to the triggers

Most of the time we do not realize that, it is the feeling that we miss, and not the physical stuff itself. For instance, one can consider a father who loves to be in the company of his children. It is literally the happy hormone that makes the father happy, but not the child itself. So find a substitute to this happiness. Maybe one can spend some time with children at an orphanage, or spend some time with the kids of your family. Then you shall reap the same benefits of spending time with your own children. You don’t actually need them, but you need to replace the feeling with someone as gentle and innocent as children.

2.You have no one to talk to: 

The habit of constantly looking for someone to talk to, can be replaced by having pets at home. Many people around the world have agreed that having a pet and talking to it, can help stay away from feeling lonely. One can just substitute the human with a pet and get the same feeling of talking to a human. Infact, pets respond even better and they are actually fully available, in terms of emotions or providing attention to you. Just try keeping a parrot, a dog or a cat. You will never ask for people again.    

3. Missing someone while you go shopping: This can be substituted very well by having enough money to afford pricey shopping malls were shopping as a single individual, is actually a blissful experience. When one is single, one must learn to develop a high taste for things, places and the kind of people around you. Go to good places and forget that you are alone. Just soak in the experience. I mostly go swimming or end up in a mall with luxury brands to keep myself from feeling lonely.

4.Never give in to strangers: Once you have decided to stay alone, please do not let anyone into your private space. Remember, people are inquisitive, they expect every person to have a picture-perfect family. Which may not be possible in the current scenario. So instead of letting some strange people into your life, keep a distance and never let your secrets out. Donot give anyone the liberty to ask you questions which tap your inner emotions that cause pain from your past relations, or marriage, divorce, about children etc. Choose friends who are least interested in your private life, and more inclined towards trying new things. 

5.Feeling lonely while travel: This is very evident these days as solo travelers have begun to explore everything in silence. One may wonder how do people travel alone, and yet have a gala time. So, if you do good research, you will find that you are not the only loner around here. There are many in the same club like you, who love their solace and love being alone and share the same thoughts . Believe me, travelling solo helps you live every moment of the time, makes it pure and unforgettable. The best thing you can gift yourself as a loner is to book yourself into safe places, after reading good reviews. Spend a little more on better accommodations, and never try to save money if the pricey accommodation is safer and has much better amenities. Go and come back safely and remember the lovely trip for years to come. Collect souvenirs!

So that’s all that you need to cope up with the modern crisis or being lonely, and a loner for life.

By Dr. Iman Hanif

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Apr 26, 2024

The essay is so captivating that I couldn't pause midway; I was compelled to read on. The author demonstrates a profound empathy towards people's emotions and expresses thoughts innovatively, enriching the social discourse.

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